Friday, 30 December 2011

Devonport Day 2 - Wrap

No joy for our small team of runners today although the running was interesting and the cycling exciting if you could bare to watch. Another big crash tonight with a couple of cyclists and a couple of spectators injured when one cyclist and his bike ended up over the fence.

Stephen ran his first 300m of the season and was happy with his performance and with the fact that he finished injury free.

Cal and Lach were both disappointed with their performances in the 200m.

The big races of the night (200m women's and men's) were won by Lauren Boden and Tom Burbidge. Both finished clear of their nearest rivals. Very strong running by both through the heats, semis and in the final.

We move onto Burnie tomorrow. The boys will have a chance to rest up tomorrow before competition on New Year's Day.

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